Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Will it ever end?

WARNING: Personal venting session ahead

I am about to go absolutely CRAZY! We have yet to hear back on the job we're the most excited about and I feel so frustrated. I know Jared is frustrated too but at least he has job to help keep his mind off of things. It doesn't help that I'm sooo lonely for female friends down here in the hot place. If I didn't have kids to worry about I seriously would consider some wrist slashing. I really feel like my life is at a dead-end and I've been damned. I am such a planner with nothing long-term to plan for I feel insane. Two weeks of waiting may seem small but to my limited perspective it seems endless.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless mobile phone


  1. Heather Dearest, hang in there! I wish I could have a play date with you. I remember last year waiting two weeks longer than we thought, living out of boxes waiting to see if we would get the house. It was horrible. I know how awful it is to wait for your future to reveal itself to you. Go do things to get out of the house, even walk around the mall to get your mind off of it. Hang in there, I'll pray for you!

  2. Yes, listen to Shawna. She is wise. :}
    If all else fails read lots of good books ot get your mind off things. I just started Tuesdays with Morrie, by Mitch Albom. (Author of The Five People You Meet in Heaven.) I'm already halfway through and will probably finish it tonight. Not that reading a book in one day will occupy your mind as long as you'd like, but it might help your perspective on life brighten a bit. I have lots of other book suggestions if you need more. Maybe even re-read the Ann books. I always feel good about life after reading those.
