Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Maybe a little exclusive…?

Warning:  Personal venting session

So I got this invitation from some girls that are in the mom’s group in my ward.  It’s for an Easter Egg hunt.  It instructs each parent to bring their favorite treat to fill eggs with.  At first I thought.  “Oh how fun for the kids” until I read what was written on the bottom of the invitation which reads:

This hunt is for Children ages 0-2.  Older siblings may help younger siblings hunt but they will not be allowed to do so for the first 10 minutes.

Do you see any problems with this?  First of all, Christian is the only, and I mean the one and only child above the age of two that comes to the mom’s group so this means that they are basically saying that this hunt is really for everyone but him. Secondly, what about children (who are really babies) ages 0-1 having eggs filled with candy anyway??

I totally understand giving younger kids a head-start but honestly, it seems a little rude to put it that way especially on an invitation that is supposed to invite people to come to an event.  I really wish they hadn’t sent it to me at all because now I just feel excluded, annoyed and a little bitter.  This is yet another example of why I don’t feel that I fit into my the mom’s group in my ward…I am the only girl with two kids and my oldest is the only one over 2.  I feel like they like to make such a big deal out of Christian’s age when he plays great with the little kids and is really good at helping them and the other moms so it just makes me irritated.

Maybe I’m being over-sensitive but I really do feel excluded for reasons that would never even come up in any Utah ward I’ve ever been in.


  1. It's not that you don't fit in. You totally need more people to associate with. This groups sounds extremely narrow in purpose and membership.

  2. That is so strange, especially because children that small can't (or at least shouldn't) have candy. It does seem totally unnecessary for them to say anything about older children if they know your's is the only one who's older. Duh. I feel your frustration!
