Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Being a Stay-at-Home Mom

Especially ever since I started the Spring semester where I had no classes left and nothing else to do but graduate I've been feeling torn between teaching and being at home with my boy.  Because we're moving to AZ and I will have to do a lot of extra things in order to get a license there I have been debating getting my AZ license or just staying home with my boy.  It drives me crazy that everyone asks me when I'm going to start teaching.  I am very torn.

Why I'm so torn is I love teaching, I really truly do.  I love the kids.  I love figuring out various methods to convey ideas I love the moments when concepts click and student's have light-blub moments.  I also love my little boy.  I love watching him learn.  I love it when he comes to cuddle in my bed every morning to wake me up and he asks for a baby sister and we talk about little things.  This morning he was asking me why everyone has a belly button when they’re “kinda funny things”.  I was trying to explain the umbilical cord that every baby needs to give nourishment to it’s growing body when it lives inside its mommy’s tummy.

I also sometimes feel like when I’m home days go too fast as apposed to the sometimes long days I had while teaching.  It’s a difficult choice.  One thing that helps me want to be with Christian is the moments when he comes to me and holds my arm and leans into me and says “You’re the best mommy”.  What else could melt someone’s heart so completely?  So for now, I want to be with my little boy.


  1. I think you are doing the right thing. Enjoy your time with your boy. If you need to work then I am sure it will work out. Good luck in Arizona. Teaching is great isn't it. Keep your license up because I bet you will teach one day. Take care.

  2. The joys of having those precious moments at a mother are irreplaceable. Hope your move wasn't to hard, especially that you are expecting. How are you liking it down there? I know how you feel, I want to teach to, but I think for now my place is with my darling children, decisions decisions decisions. Good luck with that!
